Our Free Services

We offer a variety of services—free and for a fee—with the purpose of enhancing global awareness for travelers.

Free Services

  • shopkeepers, Argostoli, Greece


    Follow Denise as she weaves stories into her thoughtful blog posts about captivating travels, experiences in nature, and insights for practicing global awareness through travel.

    Shopkeepers in Argostoli, Greece, photo Denise Ames

  • Checking his phone, Tallinn, Estonia


    In-depth, inspiring, and informative articles about everything related to travel and global awareness. Check back frequently for new selections.

    Checking his phone, Tallinn, Estonia, photo Denise Ames


    Join me, Denise, on social media to learn more about my thoughts and insights on practicing global awareness. My goal is that you will always find something new and stimulating.

    A Mexican girl sitting on corn, photo Denise Ames


    Can you benefit from our global awareness program? Take our free quiz to find out more.

    Boy at a Buddhist Temple, China, photo Denise Ames


    Check out our travel partners to find information about organizations, companies, and individuals who have a global awareness bent. Check back often as we are always adding more.

    A Turkish singer in Iran, photo, Denise Ames


    I love to read books about travel and watch travel documentaries. I would like to share suggestions with you that I have accumulated over the years.

    Water towers in Bahrain. photo Denise Ames

Dr. Ames has a passion for expanding travelers’ global awareness and hopes to share this passion with fellow travelers.